
Ralph DiBugnara

Ralph DiBugnara is a mortgage banker, real estate investor and President of Home Qualified – the leading community for the next generation of real estate investors and disruptors.


I’m on a mission to empower the next generation of real estate investors to grow successful careers, live successful lives, and become future leaders

A nationally recognized real estate expert and mortgage broker, Ralph Dibugnara finds his own way to disrupt the real estate industry even as it evolves. More than an adviser, Ralph is an out-of-the-box thinker who finds new solutions to leverage the real estate industry, for himself and his community.

That’s All Start With

He is the go-to mentor for all real estate agents who want to level up


$40 billion in loans closed across a career

A career mortgage broker, Ralph’s own journey from a blue-collar upbringing in Brooklyn to a real estate leader is the driving force behind closing $40 billion in total loans – because property ownership doesn’t have to be out of reach.


Scholarship Funding For Underprivileged Communities

Ralph’s scholarship fund – Generation Disruptor, will help members from underprivileged communities become licensed professionals as Loan Officers or Real Estate Agents.

Did You Know?

Ralph competed as a sponsored, top ranked Spartan athlete from 2013 – 2018. Because all work and no play is no way to build your career or life. Ralph was able to use the hard work and dedication it takes to be a high level athlete and transfer it over to his real estate career.


Personal Real Estate Portfolio in excess of $15 million

Ralph’s experience, seeing how hard his family worked to provide a better life, motivated him not only to build a business for himself, but to build a property portfolio to show that success is a mindset, nothing more.


Expected to close $3 billion in  2021

The challenges of COVID-19 have changed the real estate industry irrevocably. Ralph is committed to finding creative solutions to leverage the existing conditions and empower others to achieve success.

Focus On The Roadmap. Not The Results

Dissatisfied with the endless carousel of stories lauding entrepreneurs who started with nothing and built themselves an empire, Ralph’s aim is to provide the roadmap, not the results.

The figures of success are easy to find, but they don’t tell the whole story. Whether you’re looking for advice to secure your first property or you’re an agent looking to develop your brand, what’s left unsaid is HOW success stories come to pass.

What steps were taken? Were there times when obstacles seemed insurmountable? How can you know when you’re moving in the right direction? What struggles need to be overcome?

An entrepreneur himself, Ralph took all of these questions into consideration and emerged with an idea to provide the answers, in the form of a roadmap anyone can follow. Ralph’s goal is to help others find their path to success in the ever-changing world of 21st century real estate, using the roadmap he created throughout his life..

Having created a network for thousands of agents, investors, and developers worldwide, Ralph provides the opportunity to not only make connections, but access the secrets and brand building strategies of the leading real estate experts in the world.